Mimo Garcia was born on 16 February 1998 in Sofia, the capital of the Republic of Bulgaria.
He earned his BA in Journalism from the School of Journalism, „St. Clement of Ohrid“ University of Sofia. His thesis, Dianne Feinstein: the First Woman, was published in book format.
Actor with the Dramedy Theatre Company for many years (2009 – 2014). Author and anchor of the „For the kids with Slava and Mimo“ (2012 – 2015) and „Field for answers“ (2015 – 2017) online shows, where the following questions have been discussed: „Why does the patriarchal model still rule in our country“; „How much longer will domestic violence be the norm“; „Is it proper for religious institutions to set the line for society in the context of secularity“. Scriptwriter and director of the short film „Nasalevtsi: Poor against Rich“ (2015). TV commentator (2017 – 2018) in sexologist Natalia Kobilkina’s show „No Inhibitions“.
In 2019, he co-authored „Let’s talk together“, an online platform for psycho-logopaedic help and support. Author and co-anchor of the platform formats „Every First Monday“ (2019 – 2020) and „Short Messages“ (2021), dealing with topics such as child aggression, autism, post-stroke aphasia, child adoption, dyslexia, sexual orientation, healthy weight loss, media literacy. In 2020, during the political and media hysteria surrounding COVID-19, he set up a special podcast where a psychologist answers questions from listener experiencing panic, free of charge.
In 2021, he was sworn in as a lay judge. Founder and director of „Lay judges“ Foundation.
Mimo Garcia is also an activist blogger. He supports gender equality, the right to abortion, LGBTI rights, while taking a strong stance against dictators, false democracies and fundamentalists.
Official website: https://mimo.bg/en